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Case study

Supporting the Detection and Treatment of People Living with Chronic Kidney Disease using CDRC

Clinical Digital Research Collaborative (CDRC) and HI NENC teamed up to support primary care teams to use case finding resources. This work is part of HI NENC’s cardiovascular disease programme, which includes a focus on chronic kidney disease (CKD).

16455 patients in the North East and North Cumbria are uncoded for CKD in primary care *CVD prevent data, accessed March 2024

People with chronic kidney disease are 20 times more likely to die of cardiovascular disease than end-stage renal disease

Chronic kidney disease has a devastating impact on patients, healthcare services and the economy. The condition often coexists with other conditions, such as Diabetes and Hypertension, which can damage the kidneys and lead to the development of CKD.

HI NENC and CDRC collaborated to provide resources to general practices, to improve patient outcomes and the associated health economic system benefits.

The support package included:

CDRC Resources

New resources were developed by CDRC to support Primary Care Networks (PCNs) to detect and treat people living with CKD. Utilising these searches, GP Practices can identify patient cohorts, to improve the management and treatment of people with CKD within their population.

All CDRC resources are available at no cost to primary care users and accessible through SystmOne and EMIS.

Educational Video

A short video featuring Dr. Tom Zamoyski, GP Clinical Lead for CDRC, offers an overview of the range of resources available to practices. This video serves as a valuable tool for healthcare providers to understand and utilise the provided resources effectively.

Education and Training

HI NENC hosted webinars for staff working in PCNs in the region. This series of three webinars is designed to support staff in the 2024/25 period as well.

By providing these comprehensive resources and training opportunities, HI NENC and CDRC aim to:

  • support primary care to manage CKD effectively
  • improve patient outcomes including reducing the development of cardiovascular comorbidity
  • slow progression to end stage renal disease.

In addition to these resources, HI NENC is running a pilot project to further support GP Practices in Gateshead, which is set to commence in June 2024. Further resources to support primary care continue to be developed and will be available is 2024/25.

For more information please visit:

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