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Case study

Preventing Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) within the NENC

A CVD strategy group incorporating stakeholders from across the NENC, and third sector partners, was developed to steer the AHSN NENC CVD prevention programme.

We have supported three sites (Northumberland, South Tyneside and Sunderland and County Durham and Darlington Foundation Trusts) regarding the rapid uptake product, PCSK9i, which is now complete.

A third edition of the AF Card Deck was distributed across NENC in summer 2022.

The programme incorporates:

  • National familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) and Lipid Optimisation programme
  • National Blood Pressure Optimisation Programme
  • Support to the national Proactive Care At Home work within Tees Valley area
  • Legacy atrial fibrillation (AF) work from the previous national AF Programme.

Clinical pharmacists have been employed to work on identification of patients with FH, lipid optimisation and PCSK9i work in GP practices across parts of NENC and within secondary care focusing on vascular outpatients and diabetes footcare.

New ways of working during the COVID-19 era have been piloted, and a standard operating procedure (SOP) and associated resources developed and distributed to primary care to support lipids and FH parts of the primary care networks directed enhanced service.

We have supported three sites (Northumberland, South Tyneside and Sunderland and County Durham and Darlington Foundation Trusts) regarding the rapid uptake product, PCSK9i, which is now complete.

We are currently working with the local system to rollout of the novel therapy, Inclisran, and support uptake by practices of a pilot project around child and parent screening for FH. We have developed, in partnership with the Northern Genetics Service and Heart UK, with their patient ambassadors, an animated video to demystify genetics in relation to FH.

The national Blood Pressure Optimisation Programme has recently started; prior to this programme we responded to a request from a GP practice in Sunderland and developed resources to support home blood pressure monitoring, and these resources are now available for all practices across NENC.

We are in the early stages of supporting Tees Valley regarding Proactive Care At Home who are focusing on rolling out the UCLP disease frameworks for lipids and blood pressure.

A third edition of the AF Card Deck was distributed across NENC in summer 2022.

A standard operating procedure has been developed for Primary Care on Lipid Lowering and Familial Hypercholesterolaemia (FH)

AHSN NENC continues to work with partners including Northern England Clinical Networks, Heart UK, BHF, Northern Genetics Service, secondary care lipid specialists, primary care, pharmacists and patients.

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