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Case study

Health and Life Sciences Pledge

The Health and Life Sciences Pledge is a promise to encourage, enable and empower more innovation, by bringing together all key stakeholders to better communicate, collaborate and celebrate.

Collectively address regional health and social care challenges, supporting the reduction in health inequalities.

Gain recognition for our unique infrastructure and assets on both a national and international stage.

Working cohesively to identify opportunities and attract investment to our region.

Collectively celebrating our collective success.

Across the North East and North Cumbria region, the live ecosystem under the banner of the Pledge enables key Innovation Pathway partners to work together and accelerating innovation.

There is a growing and vibrant Health and Life Sciences sector in the North East and North Cumbria, the purpose of the Pledge is to bring together this vibrant ecosystem to:

  • Collectively address regional health and social care challenges, supporting the reduction in health inequalities
  • Gain recognition for our unique infrastructure and assets on both a national and international stage
  • Working cohesively to identify opportunities and attract investment to our region
  • Collectively celebrating our collective success.

The pledge was co-launched with the ICB in March 2023 and we now have over 100 pledgees.

To find out more about the pledge or sign up please visit:


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