View a PDF version of our Impact Report
Health Innovation NENC
Health Innovation NENC web site
Welcome from our Chair
Foreword by Dr. Nicola Hutchinson, Chief Executive Officer, HI NENC
Supporting the Reduction of Health Inequalities
Transforming Patient Safety across North East North Cumbria (NENC)
Supporting the NHS in Health and Social Recovery
Improving Health Outcomes through the Innovation Pathway
Use digital solutions as an enabler
HI NENC Events
Bright Ideas in Health Awards
Improving Health and Outcomes for People Living with Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors
Improving access to CVD Health Checks for Ethnic Minority and Underserved Communities in Middlesbrough
Designing the Environment for Mental Health and Wellbeing
Supporting Patient Safety Initiatives
Improving Outcomes for Preterm Babies
Developing a System-wide Approach to Opioid Use in Elective Surgery
Improving Shoulder Injury Outcomes
Encouraging and Promoting Physical Activity Amongst our Older People
Improving Cardiovascular Disease Scanning with an Innovative AI Solution
Fighting Malnutrition with new Sensory Menu
Identifying Large Vessel Occlusion Strokes
Driving Digital Innovation to Transform Services and Improve Patient Care in Primary Care
Accelerating the use of Remote Monitoring Technology in General Practice
Supporting the Detection and Treatment of People Living with Chronic Kidney Disease using CDRC
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Case study
Delivering Systemwide Value
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